Step 1. Proceed to find a TV that works as well as has some sort of incoming TV signal. (cable or satellite)
Step 2. Proceed to turn the TV on whether by remote or by pressing a button the TV it does not matter
Step 3. Proceed to put the TV on the right input so the incoming cable signal appears on the TV
Step 4. Proceed to sit down facing the TV whether in a chair, on a couch. or even on the floor it makes no difference in the performance of the TV but it can increase the comfort of your TV watching experience if you sit in a comfortable chair
Step 5. Proceed change the channel coming through the TV until you find a show that you want to watch
Step 6. Proceed to adjust the volume of the TV until it is at a level that you can both hear comfortably and easily but is not hurting your ears or majorly disrupting those around you
Step 7. Proceed to watch the show, enjoy yourself, and forget about the world around you
Step 8. Proceed to watch the show and kind of let your mind wander
Step 9. Once you have had your fill of TV proceed to turn off the TV
Step 10. Proceed to do whatever the crap you feel like doing
I bet you never though watching some TV could have 10 whole steps did you...?
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