Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tick Tock

What is time? Is it nearly a measurement or is it something else? How much time do we have left?

Well to put it into perspective I have 10 more minutes before this blog post is due.

But in reality what is time? How can it shape us? How can it take who we are and change is completely?

Are we wasting time? Or do we not have enough of it? Do we even have the time to think about it?

We all had a box of crayons at one time. We would spend entire days drawing pictures, making music, dressing up, and so many other things. But what was one thing that we never used to do as kids? Worry about time. At least I know I didn't, and to be completely honest if you are as worried now about time as you were as a kid I would just like to say in sorry you had such a horrible childhood. But what happened to those days where time didn't matter? Where did they go? And where the freak are my crayons? I want them back right now!

Time controls the world around us. As we all just sit there and watch the clock



